1st crowdfunded magazine in Luxembourg


It was exactly a month ago, on September 29, that diariesof successfully completed its crowdfunding campaign on Ulule. This means that diariesof is the first magazine being launched through crowdfunding in Luxembourg. Yes, we are proud of it, but we are especially proud of our 154 backers who believed in the project and supported it with their money and their care by sharing the idea with their friends. Thank you with all our hearts!

A month after the funding, we have accomplished the dream of holding an issue in our hands! We hope you will like it as much as we already like it. Our garage is now packed with a ton of diariesof, on what we hope will be a temporary shelter. This magazine ought to travel to other homes and allow more people to dream with us.

We are very happy that this first issue of diariesof will travel to meet its readers also outside of Luxembourg. It is flying to Portugal, Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Mexico, Denmark, Panamá, The Netherlands, Argentina and of course Chile!

Our wall of fame

Edward Morris, Celia Alves, Morten Garval, Andreas Tarrach, Sofia Soares, Conny Türk, Bruno Orsini, Valérie Lobstein, Damien Petit, Rui Fonseca, Jerome Gobert, Desert Impulse, Olivier Parmentier, Marion Antoine, Didier Houillon, Maryline Urbani, Sophie Roea, Helder Valente, Jorge Marques, Sigmar Lampe, Emilie Zimer, Goran Djurdjevic, Pascale Emeringer, Simon Merot,  Constance Simon, René Hilbert, Christophe Mathgen, Sonia Aleixo Delgado, Eugenio Dos Santos Goncalves, Francine Ewers, Sebastien Goossens, Michael Silva, Maxime Talagas, Monika Befrui, Christian Theis, Robert Faber, Patryk Kurcin, Corinne Bintner, Verena Nickels, Ana Rebelo, Alexa Lepage, Chloé Schonckert, Tanja Kinnen, Carlos de Jesus, Anouk Goergen, Max Theissen, Jessica Gaspar Rodrigues, Aline Pelletier, Marleen Chevolet, Susana Rodrigues Ferreira, Marie-Laure Steichen, Michel Costa, Christian Schaack, Cecilia Beirao, Marylene Dias, Paula Alves, Rob Bastian, Paulo Lobo, Jill Streitz, Claudio Raimundo, Luc Brucher, Laurence Klepper, Olivier Mores, Laurent Sandt, Luca Polverari, Claudia Carvas, Joëlle Helbach, Barbara Flammang, Olivier Debuys, Tom Michels, Daniela Arede, Yanica Reichel, Caroline Schuler, Jos Degrand, Julie Simoes Pires, Jos Correia, Diogo da Silva, Andrea de Moura, Karine Touati, Maria Lopes, Annette Gremling, André Pierre, Claude Molinaro, Sara Carvalho, Pascal Huberty, Luc Schaack, Mojca Muzina, Michel Lauer, Olivier Pierrard, Fernande Wintersdorff, Nuno Fernandes, Yolande Koster, Pierre Brahms, David Chenut, Fernand Wolff, Elisa Chiarello, Alexandra Tarantini, Antje Mengel, Patrick Carvalho, Jan Glas, Ilaria Ferrari, Luis Arede, Paul Loutsch, Olivier Meyer, Monica Rebelo, Zsuzsanna Cser, Cindy Veiga, Paulo Carvalho, Amélie Vanie, Laurent Antonczak, Jean-Marc Le Coq, Daniel Jesus, Noemia Goncalves, Helena Alves, Sonia Espirito Santo, Augusto Costa Valente, Raquel Graça, Cesar Valente, Abel Valente, Wim van Mullem, Francisco Alves, Brice Hoareau, Claude Gaasch, Barbi Dickison, Jacques Piton, Anne Bodé, Marc Thomas, Patrick Beacco, Eric Chenal, Jean-Philippe Schmit, Chantal Mitsch, Jack Blondé, Achraf el Ammouri, Claude Ronck, Jennifer May, Laura di Mola, Paul Matzet, Viviane Nickels, Catarina Maduro, Guy Hübsch, Tun Oliveira, Pedro Marques, Mil Wagner, Isabelle Mersch, Inga Ausekle, Marc Weber, Federico Ferrari, Nadine Conrardy, Sonia Wirtz, Chloé Kolb, Renaud et Fréderique, Marc Crochet, Lex Schumacher, Joao Soares, Nadia Sana.


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